
Best Plugin 2013


今年こそModular Synth買おうと思ってたのに、手を出したら最後、、怖いので買わなかったので、結局Softwareベースで作業してました。


Sonnox Oxford Supresser




Hello Geek fiends!

This year I wanted to buy some Modular Synth,but that is most dangerous stuff for money!
if I bought even 1 module,,, will be want to buy more more...

Actually I`m working on software with some hardware. so What is Bestbplugin in 2013..

IS Sonnox Oxford Supresser!

this one is not new stuff,maybe this was 2009 or 2010.
but to me,still most useful Plugin.

because recently I dont really use sound from Sample library,making sound from zero.
so always I have to rid some peak for getting nice sound.
this Supresser dose work very well for it. always sound is natural and so useful.
and this plugin is kind of most Digital sound plugin,but to me somehow,sounding so analog.
maybe sound is so natural and always result is fat and warm.

so this will be best plugin 2014 again....